The core of Young Living’s mission is to inspire change by fostering a community of discovery, while inspiring individuals to wellness, purpose and abundance.
The roots of Young Living…
D. Gary Young’s passion is essential oils. His commitment to understanding the remarkable value of plants has taken him all around the world, and has created the world’s largest and foremost authority on essential oils sciences: Young Living Essential Oils.
His discoveries have helped millions of people supplement a healthy lifestyle through nature's living energy, and have turned Young Living into one of the most trusted and respected wellness companies in the world.
Wellness, purpose, abundance!
Young Living is much more than just a producer of the world's highest quality oils and natural wellness products. It’s a community of people pursuing good health, better living, and greater abundance guided by a respect for nature and the endless gifts it provides.
It's also an opportunity to improve the lives of others, with a simple business model that can help you turn honest work into honest income.
What makes our oils so special?
1. Seed
Quality essential oils come from plant species that have been rigorously authenticated by Young Living experts. Species certification involves scientific research, field study, university partnerships, and on-site planting certification.
2. Cultivate
Through cultivation on the six Young Living farms, Young Living Essential Oils has mastered the planting, growing and harvesting processes that produce the finest oils. The company takes this knowledge around the world to co-op farms to certify that these farms’ honor and meet Young Living’s strict quality standards.
3. Distill
Young Living’s proprietary low-temperature, low-pressure steam distillation process ensures that the beneficial plant compounds in every batch of essential oil remain uncompromised during the extraction process.
4. Test
Each essential oil must pass Young Living’s stringent testing to ensure the optimal bioactive natural compounds are present. Young Living uses its own internal labs, in addition to third-party audits, to verify that international purity standards are met and surpassed.
5. Seal
Young Living completes the Seed to Seal process by carefully sealing each bottle of essential oil to ensure the integrity of the product is perfectly maintained as it's delivered to customers worldwide.
Young Living gives back!
Young Living Essential Oils has always sought to be involved in philanthropic community efforts and help those in need. From the company’s participation in local blood drives and food bank campaigns, to establishing the D. Gary Young Foundation: Young Living Outreach, some of the many causes Young Living supports include:
- Columbian Presbyterian Hospital
- Boys and Girls Club
- Mothers without Borders
- Red Cross
- Helping Hands for Haiti
- Community Action Food Bank
- And many more